Sunday, November 25, 2012

Winner of Stupidest Gas Station Name Contest

When people ask what I miss about America, the first things that come to mind are: carpet, dishwashers, Wawa.

Yeah, it's a gas station, but they also sell eggnog and 10 cent candies and plastic cups with grapes in them. And things like Lunchables but instead of pizza it's hummus and pita bread, but I never really ate those, but now I like hummus so I might when we go home again. They also sell fresh sandwiches like at Subway. (We have Subways here so I don't miss them.) Wawa is cool because they should get a lady with a Ms. Doubtfire accent to say "If you're on the road and you need fresh food, stop at Wawa!" because with that accent, "road" and "food" might rhyme.

One of the sandwiches they sell around the holidays is THE GOBBLER. It's a turkey sandwich with gravy, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. I miss THE GOBBLER. So one day we had that for dinner.

We had it for dinner the next day, too. And you can't have a THE GOBBLER without egg nog, and I thought the Commissary wasn't carrying eggnog yet (but it was really just in a different refrigerator,) so I made some. I thought it was pretty much impossible to make eggnog. I was wrong. (I did ruin the first batch, though.)

This is how you make eggnog.
It was really good. (The batch I didn't ruin.)