Friday, March 4, 2011

A Ten-Year-Old Cake

In two days it's my birthday. I'll be 24. I think this is the first year a birthday has kinda worried me. Your thoughts (obviously) change as those years grow on you. At some point, you just start thinking, "Hmm...why didn't I do anything useful this year?" or "I've been alive almost a QUARTER of a CENTURY!*" and other times "How can I possibly have 15 babies between now and the time my ovaries dry up?"

*Disclaimer: If you've been alive for longer than a QUARTER of a CENTURY, that doesn't mean I'm calling you old. This is the biggest part of a century I've taken up so far, and that's just one of those things you notice.

But you know what thought never changes? "YAYIGETCAKE!!!"

This year, as my birthday field trip, I chose a local art museum. Why yes, I know that sounds boring. But it will be fun because Joe is an artiste. That means when he looks at a painting, he sees more than just a picture; he sees whether it's a good picture (and, you know, artisty details like lighting.) And when it's not a good picture, he can tell me what's wrong with it. Like if the anatomical proportions of the lady picking the flowers are a bit wrong, like, her forearm is longer than her entire leg. That kind of thing. Stuff I'd never notice. Then we can stare at her forearm and laugh at it in a quiet, museum-appropriate way. SO FUN. After that, the plan is to find a restaurant we've never been to and see if they have good food.

There's a lot of chain e-mails/survey-things that ask the question, "Where were you ten years ago?" and so here's a picture of me ten years ago.
Wearing a flowery vine circlet thing that I made (and in the background is my brother, also ten years ago.)

That's a box of cassette tapes on the wall. And yeah, me and my little sister shared a computer. Though I seem to remember monopolizing it.

Ah, the days before every kid had their own desktop PC, laptop, and cell phone. Before any of us discovered texting.

And...can't forget...THE CAKE!
It was a book. With a giant edible kitten icing statue on it. Awesome.

(P.S.: If you're one of the people who think March 6 = buy a present, but don't want to pay shipping...donate? Don't worry, this one didn't come door-to-door, and has been thoroughly researched.)

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