Sunday, August 14, 2011

On Our Anniversary

Today is our anniversary.

I know I say it all the time...but I just want to tell you again that I love you. You're everything I wanted and exactly what I needed.

We've been through so much in the past couple of years. It's been an amazing journey. Four moves, countless trips, so many holidays, every kind of weather a relationship can experience. I feel so secure when you're holding me. You've kept me safe - and bailed me out of a lot of situations I shouldn't have gotten out of so easily. You've been with me, always there, always ready, anytime I needed you. You take me to my happy places. Yeah, we've had our fair share of issues - maybe more than we really should have had - but we always pull through stronger than ever. You take care of me...and I take care of well as I possibly can. I wish sometimes that I could do better for you.

We've come a long way, haven't we? Miles and miles. And you've never failed me.

I miss you. I think about you every single day. I don't know when I'll see you again.

We're on separate continents...but you're still mine. I'm so glad you're still mine.

Happy second anniversary. You really are the best car ever. I love you, Passat.

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